
Sounding the Silence


Pli selon Pli, Pierre Boulez

Sliding down the slope of night, your music’s chromatic delirium uncrumples the crumpled day
crinkling in my bone-tired skull. Skull, tired bone, uncrumples in crinkling chromatic music,
nightslope downsliding.
The rippled shimmerings of lacewinged waves wash over me,
revirginized by violins. Violins revirginized by waves, lacewinged ripples shimmering.
Enfolded in polyphonic pleats – sonorous origami – I fold into a black swan in love with water.
Waterlove into polyphony. Dive in! My nocturnal wings unfurl into a submarine gamelan –
seagarden of echoing gongs, aquatic carnival of furious xylophones. Furious carnival,
xylophones unfurl aquatic gongs – submarine nocturnal, seagarden gamelan.
from sonic depths, windy trumpets hurl me into the night’s purple mouth where I explode
into a burning tongue luminous with questions. Rising questions explode
into luminous tongueburning trumpets.



Keyboard Sonatas, Domenico Scarlatti

A virtuoso improviser, Scarlatti composed hundreds of keyboard sonatas on the fly, none of which he committed to paper until he was 53. Over the next twenty years, he transcribed 555 sonatas.

555 ways of looking at a harpsichord
555 digital diversions, nimble finger dances
555 kaleidoscopic variations on a theme
555 indefatigable beginnings
555 yes yes yeses
555 sonorous folds in a shimmering fan
555 time machines thrilling through time
555 love letters to a world that will go on without me
555 stained-glass windows of a baroque cathedral
555 unanswered questions
555 gifts to future strangers
555 twittering machines
555 duets of life and death
555 gems of crystallized time
555 maps of a mobile mind
555 odes to joy
555 moving sculptures in sound
555 essays on the unsayable
555 ethereal epitaphs on tombstones of air
555 virtual rendezvous for separated lovers
555 masks for a dancing Proteus
555 mirrors of emotions in motion
555 stars in a singing constellation
555 involuntary memories from an Italian childhood
555 miniature worlds revolving round each other in infinite time
555 major and minor utopias
555 avatars of a transmigrating bliss
555 rungs in a ladder to silence
555 lucid dreams of an open-eyed dreamer
555 invisible cities of the mind
555 children to take care of me in my old age
555 fluent homages to water
555 radiant hymns to the sun
555 just-because’s
555 voyages through oceans of sound in search of undiscovered archipelagos
555 portraits of possible and impossible selves
555 signatures accepting life’s inscrutable terms
555 imaginary arrows shot into a future beyond imagining


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